ConvoZen.AIpreviouslyCallZen.AIKnow more

Co-pilot for your customer conversations across ConversationsCallsChatsEmailsAll Channels

Leverage AI driven insights & actionables from your customer conversations across all channels - Calls, Chats & Meetings to boost your business efficiency

product of the day

Here is what ConvoZen can do for you


Transcribe & Summarize all your conversations

ConvoZenโ€™s state of the art multilingual AI engine lets you transcribe & summarize calls across multiple languages dialects.

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Track key moments in your conversations

Use ConvoZen to track every part of your customer conversation across calls, chats, meetings etc. Track customer complaints, queries, feedbacks under one unified interface

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Score your calls & chats with AI

Configure your own business parameters in ConvoZen to score your agent conversations with your customers. Rate every conversation with your customer and track your quality of engagement with all your customers

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Collect & track your customer feedbacks

Use ConvoZen to track & report your most valuable customer feedback. Identify key product suggestions by your customers, key feature requests & key customer complaints

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Monitor customer to partner conversations

Monitor talking points between your customers & field partners, delivery executives, relationship managers, vendors, drivers etc. for critical talking points like requesting payment in person, delay in delivery, cancellation of rides, address enquiry, personal details enquiry etc.

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Automated quality management

Set your quality standards once and leave behind manual audits and call monitoring. Every chat is precisely tracked, evaluated, and flagged for discrepancies.

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Agent performance monitoring

Track scores, strengths & weaknesses of each of your agents with ConvoZen. ConvoZen also lets you track scores & quality of your agentโ€™s conversations at individual & team levels over time.

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Validate your agent actions on the CRM

Use ConvoZen to validate the data captured by your agents from conversations against data filled by the Agent in the CRM. Create actionables based on validations including alerts, penalties & incentives

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Custom reporting & analytics on conversations

ConvoZenโ€™s world class business intelligence lets you create dashboards & reports on top of your conversational data with your own custom KPIs & metrics across various teams & departments

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Pitch Pop - AI Assisted Pitches

Assist your agents in making quality pitches to your customers by empowering them with previous conversations summary, customer mood and languages as preferred from previous conversations.

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AI Coaching

Coach your Agents based on their specific weaknesses and strengths instead of generic ineffective coaching to improve their effectiveness

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Automated Smart Insights

AI driven smart clusters across various departments & sections of your business to help you understand key talking points across various categories of your business.

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Drive your top line numbers with ConvoZen



Fewer Manual Audits



Increase In Sales Conversions



Compliance Assurance



Reduction in Agent Violations

ConvoZen can work for every one of your use cases



Increase your sales conversion & revenue by coaching your agents with context.

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Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Elevate to a top class customer service by identifying top customer grievances

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Track adherence of all your calls, penalise non compliant calls and track violations with Auto Audit

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Agent Coaching

Agent Coaching

Empower your team performance with advanced coaching to motivate agents & amplify results

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