Most Effective Ways to Handle No Call No Show

Are No Call No Show becoming a recurring issue at your company? If so, you’re not alone.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average absence rate in the U.S. is 3.6%, and unplanned absenteeism, particularly when employees fail to notify in advance, can severely disrupt operations. Whether it’s a sudden absence with no explanation or the common phrase, “No call no show, but I called,” these situations create confusion, lower team morale, and reduce productivity. Worse yet, many businesses struggle to determine how many no call no shows before termination becomes necessary, leaving the situation unresolved for too long.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the most effective ways to handle no call no shows in the workplace, from crafting a clear no call no show policy to understanding no call no show consequences. We’ll also provide tools like a no call no show write-up example and a no call no show email to employee template to help you address these situations effectively. Whether seeking to manage these occurrences fairly or looking for ways to prevent them entirely, this article will provide strategies to keep your workplace running smoothly.

Let’s explore the best practices for handling no-call, no-show cases and minimizing their impact on your business!

What is Considered a No Call No Show at Work?

A no call no show occurs when an employee fails to notify their employer about their absence and does not show up for their scheduled shift at work. This means there is no prior communication, such as a phone call, email, or message, to inform the employer of the absence, and the employee is simply absent without explanation. 

No call no shows are considered a serious breach of workplace expectations, as they disrupt productivity, create scheduling challenges, and can impact team morale. Depending on the company’s policy, repeated no call no shows can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 

Most Effective Ways to Handle No Call No Show

From an employer’s perspective here are some of the most effective ways to Handle No Call No Show situation:

1. Establish a Clear Attendance Policy

What to Do: 

Create and communicate a comprehensive no call no show policy that outlines expectations for attendance and the procedures employees must follow if they are unable to attend work.

Why It Works:

A clear policy ensures that employees know exactly what is expected of them and the consequences of failing to communicate their absence.

2. Enforce Consequences Consistently

What to Do: 

Set and enforce consistent consequences for no call no show incidents, such as verbal warnings, written warnings, or suspensions.

Why It Works:

Consistency in enforcement ensures that employees take the policy seriously and understand that it applies to everyone equally.

3. Communicate Expectations Regularly

What to Do:

Regularly remind employees of the no call no show policy and your expectations for timely communication in case of absences.

Why It Works:

Reinforcement of expectations helps reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings and makes it clear that absenteeism will not be tolerated.

4. Encourage Open Communication

What to Do:

Foster a work environment where employees feel comfortable communicating their challenges or reasons for absence without fear of retaliation.

Why It Works:

Open communication reduces the chances of employees avoiding difficult conversations about missing work and encourages them to be transparent.

5. Follow Up Promptly After a No Call No Show

What to Do:

Open communication reduces the chances of employees avoiding difficult conversations about missing work and encourages them to be transparent.

Why It Works:

Prompt follow-up shows employees that you take the issue seriously and prevents recurring incidents. It also allows you to gather important context before determining the next steps.

6. Document Every Incident

What to Do:

Keep thorough records of every no call no show incident, including the date, the employee’s explanation, and any actions taken.

Why It Works:

Documentation is critical for tracking patterns of absenteeism, issuing consistent disciplinary measures, and protecting the company in case of disputes.

7. Offer Flexibility Where Possible

What to Do:

Consider offering flexible scheduling or remote work options when appropriate to reduce the chance of no call no shows.

Why It Works:

Flexibility can help employees manage personal emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, leading to better attendance and fewer uncommunicated absences.

8. Provide Training on Attendance Policies

What to Do:

Incorporate training on your no call no show policy during employee onboarding and provide refreshers as needed.

Why It Works:

Training ensures that all employees fully understand the policy from day one, reducing confusion and increasing compliance.

9. Recognize and Reward Good Attendance

What to Do:

Implement a system that rewards employees for consistent attendance, such as bonuses, extra time off, or public recognition.

Why It Works:

Positive reinforcement encourages employees to prioritize attendance and helps create a culture where reliable attendance is valued.

10. Implement a Progressive Discipline Process

What to Do:

Use a progressive discipline approach, starting with a verbal warning, followed by written warnings, and eventually termination if necessary.

Why It Works:

A structured, step-by-step approach ensures fairness and provides employees with multiple opportunities to correct their behavior before more severe actions are taken.

No Call No Show Write-up Examples

Below are some No Call No Show Write-up Examples from an employer’s perspective, addressing different scenarios and stages of disciplinary action:

Example 1: First Offense – Informal Warning

Employee Name: Rita Sen

Position: Administrative Assistant

Date of Incident: September 20, 2024

Supervisor: Mark S T

Description of Incident:

On September 20, 2024, you did not report for your scheduled shift from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and did not notify management in advance about your absence. This no call no show violates the company’s attendance policy, which requires employees to inform their supervisor at least two hours before the start of their shift if they are unable to work.

Company Policy Violation:

Per the company’s attendance policy, failure to notify management of an absence is considered a no call no show. This behavior disrupts workplace operations and places additional strain on your colleagues.

Impact on Team:

Your uncommunicated absence impacted the team by requiring other employees to cover your tasks at short notice, leading to decreased productivity and team inefficiency.

Next Steps:

This is an informal warning. You are reminded of the company’s attendance policy, and it is expected that you will notify your supervisor immediately in the event of any future absences. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in further disciplinary action.

Employee Explanation (if provided):

(Leave space for the employee’s response or explanation)

Employee Signature: _______

Supervisor Signature: _______

Date: ______

Example 2: Second Offense – Formal Written Warning

Employee Name: Michael Sen

Position: Warehouse Associate

Date of Incident: October 5, 2024

Supervisor: Johnson Mathew

Description of Incident:

On October 5, 2024, you failed to report to work for your scheduled shift from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. You did not notify your supervisor or any other member of management regarding your absence. This is your second no call no show within the last two months (previous incident: August 28, 2024), despite being reminded of the company’s attendance policy.

Company Policy Violation:

As outlined in our attendance policy, repeated no call no show incidents are considered serious offenses and can lead to disciplinary action. Employees are expected to inform management of any unplanned absence at least two hours before their shift begins.

Impact on Operations:

Your absence disrupted the team’s workflow, as your role was critical to daily operations. Other team members had to take on additional duties to cover their responsibilities, causing delays in the overall production schedule.

Disciplinary Action:

Due to the recurrence of this behavior, you are being issued this formal written warning. If a similar incident occurs again, further disciplinary measures, including suspension or termination, will be taken.

Corrective Action Required:

You are expected to strictly adhere to the company’s attendance policy going forward. Any future absences must be communicated to your supervisor in advance. Consistent attendance is crucial to maintaining a productive workplace.

Employee Explanation (if provided):

(Leave space for the employee’s response or explanation)

Employee Signature: ________

Supervisor Signature: ________

Date: ________

Example 3: Final Warning Before Termination

Employee Name: Arpita Roy

Position: Sales Representative

Date of Incident: October 18, 2024

Supervisor: Lisa Lincoln 

Description of Incident:

On October 18, 2024, you did not report for your scheduled shift from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM and did not inform your supervisor of your absence. This marks the third no call no show incident in the last six months (previous incidents: August 3, 2024, and September 14, 2024).

Company Policy Violation:

Your repeated no call no show incidents are in direct violation of our attendance policy, which requires all employees to inform their supervisor at least two hours before the start of their shift if they are unable to attend work. Failure to comply has led to serious disruptions in our operations.

Impact on the Team and Clients:

Your absence without notification created significant issues for the sales team, who had to manage your client’s workload. This led to delayed responses to customers and impacted overall sales performance for the day.

Final Warning:

This is your final warning. If another no call no show incident occurs, your employment will be terminated. We expect immediate compliance with the attendance policy, including proper notification in the event of an absence.

Next Steps:

You are required to confirm your understanding of the company’s policy and acknowledge that any further no call no show incidents will result in termination.

Employee Explanation (if provided):

(Leave space for the employee’s response or explanation)

Employee Signature: ________

Supervisor Signature: _________

Date: ________

How to Address No Call No Shows?

In a survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 26% of employers have seen an increase in unexplained absences, including no call no shows, over the past few years. These unexpected absences disrupt workflow and affect team morale and overall productivity.

Let’s explore effective ways to address no call no shows in the workplace, backed by real-world statistics and actionable steps.

1. Implement a Clear No Call No Show Policy

  • According to SHRM, 75% of employers report that employees better comply with workplace expectations when policies are well communicated.
  • The policy should define what qualifies as a no call no show, the procedure for reporting absences, and the consequences for failing to communicate.
  • With a clear policy in place, there’s no ambiguity about what’s expected, making it easier to address violations when they occur.

2. Communicate and Enforce Consequences Consistently

  • As per the Workforce Institute, absenteeism costs businesses in the U.S. more than $36 billion annually in lost productivity.
  • Ensure employees understand the impact of their absence on the team and the business, and outline the disciplinary process for repeated no call no shows
  • Clear consequences deter future no call no show incidents and hold employees accountable for their actions.

3. Use Progressive Discipline for Repeat Offenses

  • Provide employees with opportunities to correct their behavior. 
  • Start with a no call no show write-up example, giving them a chance to explain and improve.
  • Progressive discipline helps employers document incidents while allowing employees to make positive changes.

4. Encourage Open and Honest Communication

  • Promote an open-door policy, allowing employees to communicate their challenges or personal issues that may lead to a no call no show situation.
  • When employees feel comfortable speaking up, they’re more likely to inform their supervisor about their absence, reducing the occurrence of no call no shows.

5. Recognize and Reward Reliable Attendance

  • Implement a reward system for employees who consistently maintain good attendance. 
  • This could include bonuses, extra time off, or public recognition during meetings.
  • Positive reinforcement motivates employees to show up consistently and makes them feel appreciated for their reliability.

10 Other Ways to Reduce Employee No Call No Show

Here are 10 Other Ways to Reduce Employee ‘No Call No Show’:

1. Improve Onboarding and Training

Ensure new hires clearly understand attendance expectations and communication protocols from day one.

2. Set Up Attendance Monitoring Systems

Use automated systems to track attendance and identify patterns of absenteeism early on, allowing for timely interventions.

3. Offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Provide support for personal issues, such as financial stress, health problems, or mental health challenges, that may contribute to unplanned absences.

4. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Make it easy for employees to report absences by setting up multiple communication methods, such as phone, email, or a dedicated app.

5. Conduct Regular Check-ins with Employees

Regular one-on-one meetings can help identify potential issues that might lead to absenteeism, allowing employers to address concerns before they escalate.

6. Address Workplace Morale and Culture

Build a positive work environment where employees feel valued, supported, and engaged, reducing the likelihood of no call no show behavior.

7. Provide Predictable Scheduling

Employees are less likely to miss work without notice when they have predictable and manageable work schedules, particularly in industries with irregular shifts.

8. Implement Attendance Incentive Programs

Introduce bonuses, paid time off, or recognition for employees with exemplary attendance records.

9. Investigate Patterns of Absenteeism

Look for patterns or underlying causes of frequent absenteeism, such as work overload, team conflicts, or personal issues, and take steps to resolve them.

10. Use Exit Interviews to Identify Root Causes

When employees leave the organization, use exit interviews to gather feedback on whether workplace conditions contributed to no call no shows and how they can be addressed.

How to Deal with No Call No Show Cases?

Dealing with no call no show cases can be challenging for employers, but addressing them promptly and fairly is crucial to maintaining a productive and professional workplace. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to handle no call no show situations effectively:

1. Establish a Clear Attendance Policy

What to Do: 

Ensure your organization has a clear, documented no call no show policy. This policy should outline what constitutes a no call no show, the reporting procedures for absences, and the consequences of not adhering to them.

Why It Works: 

Having a policy in place prevents confusion and holds employees accountable. Make sure the policy is communicated during onboarding and regularly reinforced.

2. Address the Incident Immediately

What to Do: 

After a no call no show incident, contact the employee as soon as possible to determine the reason for their absence. This can be done via phone, email, or any pre-established communication channel.

Why It Works:

Immediate follow-up shows employees that their absence is noticed and important. It also allows the employee to explain any unforeseen emergencies or provide their story.

3. Document the Incident

What to Do:

Keep thorough records of each no call no show, including the date, time, the employee’s explanation (if any), and any actions taken. Use formal documentation, such as a no call no show write-up.

Why It Works: 

Documentation is key for identifying patterns and ensuring consistency in handling future incidents. It also protects the company in case of legal disputes.

4. Apply Progressive Discipline

What to Do: 

Use a progressive discipline approach for repeat offenders. Start with a verbal warning for the first incident, escalate to a written warning, and, if necessary, proceed to suspension or termination.

Why It Works:

Progressive discipline allows employees to correct their behavior while ensuring that consequences are clear and consistent.

5. Encourage Open Communication

What to Do: 

Foster a workplace culture where employees feel comfortable notifying their supervisor about personal issues or potential absences in advance. Make sure employees know how to contact you in case of emergencies.

Why It Works:

Encouraging open communication can prevent no call no show incidents by giving employees the chance to explain their situation before it becomes a problem.

6. Provide Support and Flexibility

What to Do: 

In cases where employees cite personal or health-related issues as reasons for their no call no show, offer support, such as employee assistance programs (EAPs) or flexible scheduling.

Why It Works: 

Providing support can help prevent future incidents by addressing the underlying issues that may be causing the absenteeism.

7. Set Expectations for Future Attendance

What to Do: 

After addressing the no call no show incident, communicate the expectations for future attendance and outline the consequences of further violations.

Why It Works:

Setting clear expectations helps employees understand that their actions have consequences and reinforces the importance of regular attendance.

8. Monitor and Follow Up

What to Do: 

Track the employee’s attendance over the following weeks or months and follow up if any further issues arise. Recognize improvements in attendance when they occur.

Why It Works: 

Consistent monitoring helps prevent future no call no show incidents and gives the employer a chance to address any patterns of absenteeism early.

In conclusion, one of the most useful features of ConvoZen.AI is its ability to Improve Agent Performance through real-time monitoring and insights. This feature empowers managers to identify behavioral patterns, such as tardiness or unplanned absences, including potential no call no shows, before they escalate.

To Improve Agent Performance to reduce the No Call No Show policy with our conversational AI tool ConvoZen.AI. Book our demo.


1. How to Apologize for a No Call No Show?

Be sincere and take responsibility for your absence. Apologize to your supervisor or manager, explain the reason (if appropriate), and assure them it won’t happen again.

2. How many no call no shows before termination?

The number of no call no shows before termination varies by company policy. Typically, after 2-3 no call no show incidents, disciplinary action may escalate to termination.

3. How to handle an employee who doesn’t show up for work?

Contact the employee to understand their absence, review the attendance policy, document the incident, and apply progressive discipline if necessary. Make sure they understand the consequences of future no shows.

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